SUNDAY Mornings

The SALT class meets each Sunday during the program year in Kemp Hall. The SALT class - Sharing and Learning Together - is an adult Sunday School class designed for all seasons of life and faith development. Each week we explore and discuss one of four topics:

Praying in the News - Connecting our faith to the world around us, we discuss our reactions to current events and headlines. This topic is led by Jenn Cornell.

The Parables - As we focus on favorite parables, we consider their implications and lessons for us. This is led by Pratt Cherry.

Why is That There? - We explore Scripture selections that include details that appear to be unnecessary or unimportant, but on a closer look, are quite important. This study is led by Jack Foley.

Jesus: A Pilgrimage - This book by Father James Martin recreates the settings of beloved Bible stories and encourages discussion of how Jesus speaks to us today. Linda Thomas leads this discussion.

Join the Martin B. Williams class in Room 01 for some thoughtful lessons, a few favorite hymns, and good fellowship.

During May we will have four lessons from Romans that explore the spiritual benefits of faith in Christ.

On May 5, Mark Crean will share Paul's thoughts on "justification by faith" - and how faith in Christ offers us healing, peace and meaning to life. (Romans 3)

On May 12, Andrew Sanders will present Paul's account of Abraham - how God deems us "righteous" when we, like Abraham, trust in the promises of God. (Romans 4)

On May 19, Tim Ailsworth will explore what it means to be reconciled with God and the salvation and hope that it brings. (Romans 5)

On May 26, Claude Thomason will teach us about Paul's description of the kind of faith that offers salvation to all. (Romans 10)

While conversing over coffee, we will focus on our fellowship and learn to grow in our Christian faith together during this informal gathering. Come join us!

mid-week offerings

The prayer of the faithful is powerful and effective. -James 5:16b (NIV)

The Thursday Prayer Group meets virtually each week at noon. Prayers are said for our church, its staff, officers, and programs as well as for Christ's church universal. We pray for specific needs as well as general needs. We say prayers of adoration and praise to our God. We offer prayers of gratitude for the joys and blessings we know and prayers of intercession for the needs of individuals in our congregation and those whom we know outside of our church family. All requests for prayer are held with utmost confidentiality. We pray for our nation and the world at large.

We consider this hour meaningful and joyful as we recognize God's presence with us. Anyone is welcome to join us. For more information contact one of those currently attending: Jack Foley, Ron Gift, Sally Maynard, Donya Ransom, or Rev. Kelly-Ann Rayle.

Open to everyone, the Thursday Afternoon Bible Study group studies individual books of the Bible in an informal, discussion-based format. The class is led by Jack Foley and Linda Thomas.

Meetings are held via Zoom, each Thursday 1:30-2:30 p.m., and participants are welcome to join in at any time. To receive the Zoom link each week, contact the church office at 804.740.7083.